Thursday, May 6, 2010

Role of Religion During Conflict: Standing in Opposition

In 1992, 5 American nuns were murdered near Monrovia in an area controlled by the NPFL. This prompted the U.S. Catholic Conference to ask the Department of State to pressure Liberian factions toward peace. This event also lead to several Protestant denominations, including the United Methodist Church, Southern Baptist Church and Mennonites to pull all or part of their missionaries out of Liberia.

In 1996, local Christian clergy were sure that if the U.S. military established and exerted a presence in Liberia, the situation would be resolved.

Liberians say that the Catholic Archbishop of Liberia, Michael Kpakala Francis, was the one person that Charles Taylor feared.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't the connection between sociopathic behavior and religious justification freaky? I am awed by how many little nuns throughout history - including very modern history - have stayed with "their people" in the face of grave danger and have paid with their lives. Quite a faith journey.


Timeline: Liberian History

Timeline: Liberian History

Timeline: Liberian Conflict and Reconstruction 1980 - Present

Timeline: Liberian Conflict and Reconstruction 1980 - Present